Suzanne Treister

Bordeaux/Garonne Public Art Project
: Les vaisseaux de Bordeaux

In my recent trips to Bordeaux, the first in April 2013, at the invitation of Bordeaux Métropole, we were given many lectures and taken to see many places.

Examples from schedules:

1. Introduction to the 'Metropolitan project' of Bordeaux Métropole
2. Boat trip on the river Garonne (Bordeaux/Bec d'Ambès/Bègles/Villenave-d'Ornon)
3. Field trip along Garonne riverbanks
4. Conference about the history of the river Garonne by Didier Coquillas, doctor of history and scientific mediator
5. Visit to the Musée d'Aquitaine
6. Visit to the telecontrol center RAMSES (Régulation de l’Assainissement par Mesures et Supervision des Équipements et Stations/Regulation of sanitation measures and supervision of equipment and stations)
7. Visit to the reservoir La Grenouillère
8. Visit to the telecontrol centre Ausone (Automatisation des Unités de Surveillance et d’Optimisation des Nappes et de l’Eau/Automation of the units of monitoring and optimization of ground and water) and the Paulin reservoir
9. Visit to the German submarine base and the Bassins à flots
10. Meeting with Bordeaux Métropole services on the theme of flood control
11. Visit to the forteresse du Nord Médoc, with commentary by Dominique Lormier, historian and writer
12. Visit to Port Lagrange (city of Parempuyre/Bordeaux Métropole territory) )

1. Introduction to the 'metropolitan project' of Bordeaux Metropole

2. Boat trip on the river Garonne (Bordeaux / Bec d'Ambès / Villenave d'Ornon / Bordeaux

3. Field trip along Garonne riverbanks

4. Conference about the history of the river Garonne, by Didier Coquillas

5. Visit to the Musée d'Aquitaine

7. Visit to the telecontrol center " RAMSES "

8. Visit to the pond "Grenouillère"

9. Visit to the telecontrol "Ausone"

9. b. Visit to the tank "Paulin"

10. Visit to the Submarine Base / Bassins à flots

Visit to Musée Jean Moulin - Museum of the French Resistance

12. Visit to the Citadelle Nord Médoc, commented by Dominique Lormier (historian)


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