Suzanne Treister


Kabbalistic Architectures/Tree of Life Garden Designs

3 series of photographic works

Kabbalistic Futurism/Kabbalistic Architectures/Tree of Life Garden Designs/Permaculture Garden Designs

Based on photographs taken of wild flowers around Lake Geneva, Switzerland

Kabbalistic Futurism/Kabbalistic Architectures/Tree of Life Garden Designs/CERN

Based on photographs taken of plant life at CERN, Geneva,, Switzerland

Kabbalistic Futurism/Kabbalistic Architectures/Tree of Life Garden Designs/C. Jung

Based on photographs taken in the garden of Carl Jung's house, Lake Zürich, Switzerland
Kabbalistic Futurism/Kabbalistic Architectures/Tree of Life Garden Designs/London, UK

Based on photographs taken of wild flowers in London, UK


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