Filming the Universe

The cd cover shows Rosalind Brodsky (visiting from 2019) with David
Bowie in London in 1966.
Brodsky took him on a trip to Mars and later they made this track.
Diary story


Filming the Universe

Sitting in my satellite late at night
Stars all around in a deathly light
There`s no one there they`re all out of sight
I`m filming the Universe

Nothing to see with the naked eye
I looked right out into the sky
No one knew where I could be
I`m filming the Universe that`s right
I`m filming the Universe...

Sitting in my satellite late at night
Stars all around in a deathly light
There`s no one there they`re all out of sight
I`m filming the Universe

We zoomed up into view of Mars
through meteorites and passing stars
a large red vision filled our paths
we strummed along on our guitars

Martians singing in the dust
Playing organs made of rust
We looked at them and said we must
Send a message of human lust

David turned the spy probe on
He looked on through and sang a song
Of love and times when we were strong
And Martians to us all belonged
I`m filming the Universe...

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