Budapest ICOLS Meeting
28 August 2004

A Strategic meeting between ICOLS members:Diana McCarty, Secretary, Department of Future Predictions; Janos Sugar, MC of Sub-department: International department of present. humiliation and future nostalgia; and Melinda Rackham, Mistress of Virtual Relations, International Department of Local Aesthetics; took place in District 6 of Budapest, on 28 August 2004.

MC Sugar introduced his vision of establishing the Emergency Evacuation Planning Project, whereby each department , and sector of each department needs to develop their emergency escape plan, complete with detailed diagrammatic so that every ICOLS building in every city of the world has its emergency evacuation protocol in place in case of an emergency requiring an evacuation.

Secretary McCarty and Mistress Rackham agreered that you can never be too prepared !!, and all unanimously voted to instigate the project as soon as possible.

yours in protocol.

Dr Melinda Rackham

Mistress of Virtual Relations

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