new military-occult technologies for psychological warfare
a Rosalind Brodsky research programme



HEXEN 2039 new military-occult technologies for psychological warfare -
a Rosalind Brodsky research programme,
Suzanne Treister, Black Dog Publishing, London, 2006
Essay by Richard Grayson
Paperback 160 pages
78 b/w ills 28.0 x 23.0 cm
9.0 x 11.0 in

Includes a 62 x 53 cm poster

ISBN10: 1 904772 63 3
ISBN13: 978 1 904772 63 7

HEXEN2039 charts Brodsky's para-scientific research towards the development of new mind control technologies for the British Military.

HEXEN 2039 uncovers/constructs links between conspiracy theories, occult groups, Chernobyl, witchcraft, the US film industry, British Intelligence agencies, Soviet brainwashing, behaviour control experiments of the US Army and recent practices of its Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (PSYOP), in light of alarming new research in contemporary neuroscience.