new military-occult technologies for psychological warfare

CHELSEA space: Drawings, archives, artefacts and HEXEN 2039 the Movie

Nov 4 - Dec 16
16 John Islip St, London, SW1P 4JU
tues-fri 11-5, sat 10-4

Enlargements below:

HEXEN 2039 the Movie

HEXEN 2039/Remote Viewing Drawings

L: HEXEN 2039/Gematria R: HEXEN 2039/Diagrams

L: HEXEN 2039/Graphites R: HEXEN 2039/ Diagrams

HEXEN 2039/Graphites

HEXEN 2039/Artefacts

HEXEN 2039/Graphites

HEXEN 2039/Artefacts with view of Millbank Tower

Portrait of Samuel Goldwyn in HEXEN 2039 screening room - December 2006
(after hanging at Ognisko Polskie through November 2006)


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