new military-occult technologies for psychological warfare

Skolsk‡ 28
Wall Drawings, artefacts, website and HEXEN 2039 the Movie

Sept 12 - Oct 5 2007
Skolsk‡ 28
ul. Skolsk‡ 28, Praha-1
Czech Republic

The Prague installation, which will consist of diagrams drawn on the wall, video projections and additional material, is made possible through collaboration between Skolsk‡ 28 gallery and the Mlok Association.

An accompanying seminar program on 26 September will offer a reconstruction of a seminar in psychotropics from the year 1978. Part of the program will be a video projection of the documentary film "Experiment", about the Czech Army's experimentation with administering psychotropic drugs to soldiers during the 1970s.

Installation enlargements below:

Hexen2039/Occult Diagram (wall drawing) and Artefacts

HEXEN 2039/Artefacts

HEXEN 2039/Occult Diagram (wall drawing), Artefacts and HEXEN 2039 The Movie

HEXEN 2039/Movie and Diagram (wall drawing)

HEXEN 2039/Diagram (wall drawing) and website

HEXEN 2039/Diagram (wall drawing)

HEXEN 2039/Diagrams (wall drawings)

HEXEN 2039/Diagram, Equipment (detail) (wall drawing)


HEXEN 2039 Venues

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