DeeÕs Crystal Ball, Science Museum, London, England
John Dee (Detail)

DeeÕs Crystal BallÕ, commercial ÔreproductionÕ
Dee's crystal ball is in the collection of the Science
London. It was stolen in December 2004 and recovered shortly afterwards.
Many imitations are in circulation.
the early 1580s, Dee was growing dissatisfied with his progress
in learning the secrets of nature and with his own lack of influence
and recognition. He began to turn towards the supernatural as
a means to acquire knowledge. Specifically, he sought to contact
angels through the use of a "scryer" or crystal-gazer, who would
act as an intermediary between Dee and the angels. Dee's first
attempts were not satisfactory, but in 1582 he met Edward Kelley,
who impressed him greatly with his abilities. Dee took Kelley
into his service and began to devote all his energies to his supernatural
"spiritual conferences" or "actions" were conducted with an air
of intense Christian piety, always after periods of purification,
prayer and fasting. Dee was convinced of the benefits they could
bring to mankind. Dee maintained that the angels laboriously dictated
several books to him this way, some in a special angelic or Enochian
The ancient art of clairvoyance achieved by concentrating on an
object - usually one with a reflective or semi-reflective surface
(mirror, crystal ball, water, etc.) - until visions appear. Magicians
and witches of all ages have practiced scrying. The term scrying
comes from the English word descry , which means 'to make out
dimly' or 'to reveal.' The services of the scryer typically are
sought for predictions of the future, answers to questions and
tracking down criminals...'