new military-occult technologies for psychological
Petrovich Mussorgsky (March 21, 1839 - March 28, 1881)
on Bald Mountain 1860
creates a supernatural atmosphere at the beginning with violins playing
in the upper register, coupled with woodwinds, trombones and bassoons.
Violins and clarinets softly herald the beginning of the wild revelry,
but soon break into wilder frenzy as passions mount. For a brief time,
the excitement subsides into a more subdued treatment by the woodwinds
and strings until they explode with wild abandon. A sudden pause allows
the sound of church bells to be heard. Muted violins describe the
retreat of the witches and demons as a clarinet heralds the approach
of dawn.'
for 'Night on Bald Mountain' for Percussion Ensemble, Modest Mussorgsky,