the desk of Simon Poulter, Systems Analyst, Department of Global Disenchantment.
While looking for a dislocated train engine recently, i had the opportunity to observe extensive community use of person conveyor belts, or escalators, as they are more commonly referred to in transport systems. In the city concerned these are uncommonly long and full of people, transiting in opposite but parallel directions, at all times of the day. ( I am not sure what sector reference number your department uses for this city but i expect you know it well given that it was a capital city of Disenchantment during the Twentieth century on at least two or three occasions and, for some, still remains so.) One small brass token provides for unlimited travel and the subterranean transport system is warm ,though sometimes dimly lit. Consequently, one can observe sophisticated uses of the transport system which exceed its base structure as a means of travel. It is, for example, well used as a reading, meeting, lunching and courting venue. Other uses include entrepreneurial trading on the platforms and the exhibition of small, lost and found, animals to draw attention to current social and economic issues. On one occasion a passionate speech was witnessed being delivered to the occupants of a crowded train by a fellow traveller. Whether this speech was political, literary, or simply an exhortation to use the train properly, being unfamiliar with the language, I cannot say. It was, however, listened to with deference and without any interruption. The speaker, not an official, but one of the readers, in his black jacket and flat cap, was dressed, as are so many men in this city, both young and old, in the style of the orator of whom the city, despite disenchantment, still has a hundred and one statues standing in its streets and squares. Reading on the conveyor belts is a very popular activity and, in my view, conducted with a concentrated poise which produces a graceful stance in every reader who holds an open book as they move steadily upwards, or downwards, through the system. It occurs to me that these graceful readers may well have the type of vision your posts require as well as a thorough understanding of public transport systems and the different dispositions of other travellers, not to mention extensive experience of disenchantment. I feel confident that advertisements for yourjob opportunities, placed on the tunnel walls which these escalators pass through, would attract a great deal of interest from the readers as many of them are either unemployed or working for very low pay. An added bonus would be that there would be no competition at all from any other advertising material. ( or other employers offering competitive rates of pay) However, in order to warrant the readers attention, it would probably be necessary to produce the posters to a standard of typographical design at least equal to that of other posters, for example for theatre and art events, which can be seen elsewhere in the city, albeit that they are often printed on recycled or brown paper. The posters would also need to be printed in at least two or three languages with at least one version in the cyrillic alphabet. |